
Saturday, 23 July 2011


Apologies to Bob Marley for purloining his title, I know he said everything far more eloquently then I do but there is much to talk about, today; this week I have been consumed by the work on the comics. I have been fine tuning the second, mapping out the third (I have the end of the story firmly in my head and parts on pages of my note book) and am thrilled (no other word will do) by the first sketches of the characters and the world. I have never really collaborated with anyone on a story before and it is turning out to be an exciting experience.

I used to write songs with my guitarist when I had a band as a student but the work was firmly demarcated then, I did words he the music. I honestly think that neither of us had much insight into the creative process. Now it feels vital, alive and I am enjoying the process immensely.

This time next week I shall be both performing at The Cock & Bull Festival and running a poetry workshop. There are still tickets; the whole weekend is only £65. Check out the music here:

There is also a poetry slam on the Sunday. This has all the making so of being a very special festival.

Speaking of festivals I’d like to remind you that I am the Festival Poet at Purbeck this year. Here is the web site:

I will be running two workshops and writing throughout the weekend. This is the third festival and the indications are it will be even better than the last two.

The other focus of my time is attempting to write a play for a competition, more information about that soon.

The school holidays are with us, and I reminded of my mother’s old saying “Teacher’s rest, Mother’s pest.” The M5 will be crawling along today, and tomorrow and next weekend, do yourselves a favour come festivaling!

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