
Friday, 28 September 2012


Tomorrow I am going to a writers retreat for the day ( It is part of the Taunton Literary Festival and I have to say I am looking forward to having a time to write. It is only a day retreat, beginning at ten and concluding at half past six. Lunch is included and I am assured that the atmosphere is conducive to writing.

I plan to complete a short story I have been working on in dribs and drabs for some time. As part of the publicity campaign around the publication of Labirint, the first book in the Maplin Heresy sequence of CO2, we are offering people who pre-order the novel a series of free short stories and unique art. Labarint will be launched at the Cardiff Comic Expo in March.  If you are interested please contact me.

I view the short story sequence as a chance to explore the world of CO2 and to fill in the background of some of the characters. The first of the series concerns how Shaj and Ryan first meet and concerns airships and stolen jewels. In fact the illustration above is a rough sketch for this story. I love the 60’s film poster style that David is using here. The completed illustrations are breath taking, especially the four armed gorilla porters.

The second features a character from the second book Miles To Go, Promises To Keep, it is set in Liverpool and also relates to the CO2 preview. This is the one I hope to finish tomorrow.

Other stories in the series will concern the balancing of Trinidad and Tobago, and a crime story featuring Balancer Mendoza, not sure yet if this will be set in Liverpool or Bridgwater (as Mendoza is at different points in his career posted to both places).
So, why not mail me and sign up for the CO2 extravaganza, emailed stories and exclusive art, what can you lose?


  1. This retreat sounds wonderful! Wish I could go on one, even for just one day! Good luck and have fun! Enjoy writing!

  2. happy retreat writing! i also dig the 60s movie poster style.

  3. Lena: the retreat was very productive, I completed a story and it was good to meet other writers.
    Aguilar: glad you like the 60's poster- I'll be posting more images as I get them off the artist. He is doing a sterling job.
