
Friday, 11 January 2013


I thought this week I would post some more haikus as it’s about six months since the last time.

Leaf floats on water
Ocean resting on the earth
The world spins in space

Leaf falls from the tree
Composting over winter
Feeds the tree once more

The wettest summer
The rain continues to fall
There are floods up north

The absconding sun
Has stolen this year’s summer
Left us with the rain

So many things call
The day is ahead of you
Now what will you choose?

This week I was again in Plymouth and as I drove down listening to Billie Holiday, I saw a magpie rise and dip in the sky above me. It seemed as if the bird was dancing with the sheer joy of being alive on a beautiful day. Later as I walked to the library there was another magpie on the path and she did not move until I looked away. I was fiddling with my phone trying to take her photograph, needless to say I did not. Not sure about the poem…

magpie high

imagaine yourself a singer good enough to float over the tune cool enough to be ahead and behind the beat as you chose now see a straight line horizontal in your sky watch how the magpie rises and dips everyside of that datum unable or unwilling more like to fly straight and take delight in her flight it is easy today she flows with the cross wind and you sing

then i arrive and she stares at me until embarrassed i look away then she takes wing only to be waiting as i exit the library

I’d be interested in your thoughts.

I want to leave you today with a link to the nice people at Corvus Press UK. Should you wish to, you can follow this link to their website and download a story to your kindle/ebook reader.

Have a good week. 


  1. Wonderful haiku and poem! I love the way the photographs accompany the haiku as well.

  2. The 'stream of consciousness' magpie poem is really something. It self punctuates in a Billie Holiday music/magpie flight rhythm. Love your seagull. Love the haiku with 'up north'. Kinda says it all.

    1. Aye Oscar it's grim up north, thanks-glad you like the magpie poem

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    1. Finch, thank you very much. I am glad you are enjoying the blog. It's been going for over ten years now.
