
Friday, 17 May 2013


I mentioned last post that we had been in Cornwall for the weekend, here are a couple of haikus I wrote during the time we were there.

Cold, thin, wind-blown day,
a tent pole buckling tempest
that does not let up.

The wind was rather brisk as we attempted to put up the camper van awning.

Cornwall camping field,
still Sunday morning, silence,
then the sky lark sings.

the purple sunset
coats the underneath of clouds
painting them solid

Solder sea, waves in flux,
dull reflections of mercury,
sea like molten tin.

Next Saturday and Sunday I am appearing at the Lechlade Festival. I am running a poetry workshop on Saturday and doing a reading the next day. If you are free why not come along? It will be a fun weekend with lots of good music.

I have also arranged a reading at the Taunton branch of Lush for the poetry group I facilitate, Juncture 25. This is a new initiative that Lush are running, they are offering to host local artists, mainly musicians on a Friday evening between 7 and 9pm. We are reading on the 7th June. Tickets are £3.00 and have to be bought before the event. Proceeds go to a local charity.

The magpies own the quad.
On the odd hot day, we may have use of it,
then they watch, half amused by our white flesh.
They will still be here when rain-lashed in winter,
we run for the shelter of the concrete cloister.

Have a good weekend. I am going to see the new version of The Great Gatsby this evening. I am not expecting much as it is one of my all-time favourite novels and the beauty is in the writing.

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