
Friday, 6 June 2014


I've been festivaling it these past two weekends. First in the wind and rain, then in the scorching sun [well, on the Sunday anyway]. I ran a poetry workshop at Letchlade and read at the Acoustic Festival last weekend. My thanks to the organisers of both for inviting me back. 

Driving to Letchlade I realised that I needed new windscreen wiper blades. The driver's side blade had begun to tear. It did however lead to this little idea:

the practical metal arm repeats the windscreen wiper blade is tearing ruining Euclid's geometry

At the workshop I asked people to reflect on the arrival and that was what I came up with, along with this:

rain on the roof
tongue tastes water
they have travelled half the world
to be here today now
molecules reunited
green grass turning brown
rain taps a secret Morse on canvas roof
whispers of many incarnations
free again to fall on my tongue

It was good to see Jeff Japers, the Funniest Man in Wales, at the Acoustic Festival with his band Gordy Orde. There are few other comic geniuses in these troubled times and it was a joy to hear him sing his songs which exhort us to eat badgers. More of Mr Japers in a future post.
Here is an poem I wrote sometime ago. Not sure what prompted it but it sort of works:


Another man's words in your mouth,
then you speak them aloud,
your tongue caresses strange nouns.
How does it feel?
You deliver your coup de grace,
have so much pleasure at so much applause,
that does not belong to you.
I know you are a thief.
The prize you scheme after
is not worth a penny candle.

I shall leave you this week with more of Gordy Orde. Here is their video The Size of Wales.

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