
Friday, 20 September 2024


It's not often that I take some lines from a poem and use them in a completely different way. But I have this post. You can read the last iteration of it here


In Stafford there were train spotters

cameras slung around their necks

tablets gripped tightly in their hands

ticking off who knew what

In Birmingham where I changed trains

I was refused hot water in in four

of the five cafes in the last

my jasmine tea was refilled with a smile

Out of the city it was all green country

until I saw the sea at that point I knew

I’d be with you soon from then on

the smile never left my face

It's now a love poem where as before it was more reportage. Same train journey, different focus. You have to be flexible and open to experimenting. 

Here's some Laura Gibson. I've been playing La Grande lately and it really is an impressive piece of work.

Until next time.

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