Saturday 23 December 2017


 A poem from my imagination this post. I was writing without reflecting. The aim being to fill two sides of paper with a stream of consciousness. The poem arose from this exercise.

Fast car, full stop,
rubber on the road.
Too late hands shake
as adrenalin kicks in,
and you are left with thoughts
of what might have been.

Elsewhere it happened.
There you are dealing with the consequences.
Further along the other way
there was no emergency stop,
no man in a red care telling you
to get your eyes tested and more besides.

You sense all of this,
just as fleetingly it is gone.
Slowly the chemicals in your bloodstream disperse.
If every poem is a unique work then this particular poem mines a familiar seam for me. I have been fascinated by the concept of a multiverse since I read about it in science fiction back in the 1960s.
I have been listening to Kathryn Williams this week. Her last record Greatest Hits, Songs From The Novel. Some friends had sent me a copy of Crown Electric and that had prompted me to buy the new lp when I was in Totnes recently.
Here she is with Laura Barnett taking about their collaboration.
Here she is singing Heart Shaped Stone.
Until next time.

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