Friday 14 June 2024


When I was in Catalunya recently I noticed a funeral taking place and that sparked a poem. A good poem has the ability to make the personal universal. I hope that is what I have done here.


I am crossing the square

a bell begins

three solemn notes on repeat

on the terrace in front of the church

there are knots of people

grief shock disbelief no one smiles

I turn the corner see a white hearse parked

flower tributes surround a pine coffin

there is a cross carved into the lid

the occupant is in no hurry for the service to begin

my agenda today is to look at the local architecture

my mind keeps returning to the one who waits

asks if they walked down this street

had the Modinisme buildings become so familiar

that they ceased to see the details

when I recross the square

the church doors are closed

it is as if nothing had happened

I had not seen a white hearse before. In my insular ignorance I had taken it for granted that all hearse's would be black. I think it was the realisation that this white vehicle was a hearse that crystallised the scene I was observing. I also had never seen the coffin [and its occupant] waiting at the side of the church for the service to begin. 

Modernisme is a term applied to Catalan architecture of the early twentieth century. I am not a great fan, but the style has its moments. That particular Thursday I was looking at some homes built between 1900 and 1920 in La Garriga. If you are ever in Catalunya they are worth a look.

I caught a gig by Nogen when I was in Vic. Here they are with a song entitled Glastonbury.

Until next time.

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