I've been playing about this is poem and I think, with the added assistance of the Secret Poets, it is finished. Thank you Secrets. You can read the earlier version here.
Before dawn we were on the hill
singing hymns of celebration
of confirmation
This was the day we would transcend
to our promised new lives in Heaven
The drizzle did not dampen us
The gawkers and cameras
did not make us falter
That came later in the full light of day
wet to the skin
cold to the bone
But Salvation did not beckon that February day
Conscious of my weak chest
my Mother was the first to question
In twos and threes
slowly we walked off that hill
In all my life I never felt as alive
The layout is different and the Secrets suggested flying saucers rather than simply saucers. Also the third stanza has been clarified. I hope it all reads better.
I was asked a question about Redgum recently, on an old post, so I'll leave you with the band at their peak.
Until next time.