Yesterday was World Book Day and was invited to give a reading in Ivybridge at the Tap Room. I'd like to thank all those that came and the Tap Room for having me. This first poem is a revised draft. Thanks, once again, to the Secret Poets for their assistance in fine tuning it. You can read the earlier version here.
In the 1970s, the K-unit Maintenance Baggin’ Room,
at Castner-Kelner Chemical Works,
was not conducive to the discussion of great literature.
We were employed to fix broken machinery,
not to broaden our intellectual horizons,
so there were no pointers to those volumes
that could have enabled us to understand
why we had been educated to a certain point
then handed overalls and told to get on with it.
We drank tea on our breaks
and talked of nothing in particular.
I think that it is as complete as it can be. Now it can join all those other poems I have written about K Unit over the years. This next poem is just a small observation. I was just thinking how some people's music must be playing somewhere in the world 24/7.
they’re famous
they’re dead
and once in a while
you play the album
their popular one
that every other person owns
and without your realising it
you do your bit
keep their music
constantly playing somewhere around the globe
I nearly entitled it They're famous, they're dead but decided against it. I preferred something less bald.
I suppose I should leave you with a Beatles song as they are the group I was thinking of [yes, I know only two of them have died].
Until next time.