I would like to thank the Golden Eagle (http://thegoldeneaglesblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/evil-genius-blogfest-winners.html) for hosting her Evil Genius Blog Fest I appear to be one of the three lucky winners along with EMILY ROSE of Mist of The Blossom Rain (http://mistoftheblossomrain.blogspot.com/) who was the winner of the popular vote and Sarah Pearson, who, like me, was a Random.org winner. Sarah’s blog is Empty White Pages (http://emptywhitepages.blogspot.com/). So I’d like to offer my congratulations to the other two winners and urge you to check out their blogs, they really are worth a look.
I am a little late in telegraphing the good news as I have been away for a couple of days and only found out myself this morning.
I shall put another post up on Tuesday. In the meantime, go and have a look at the other excellent boggers.
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