Friday 12 July 2024


I participated in a writing workshop last week. The focus was on the fantastic,  exaggeration, amplifying beyond belief. it was fun. I managed to write two poems [neither of them a tall a tale].

I like walking barefoot on the beach

even though the sky is always out of reach

the seals stay in the blue green below

and never whisper what they know

as the tide gives then takes away

the transient land on which you cannot stay

This was just a piece of whimsy. One of the other participants had told me they liked walking on the beach and it became six lines of fantasy. This second poem arose from another exercise. I had to write about a person talking to their reflection in a mirror. 


there is comfort in the chipped cup

on its mismatched saucer

and in the teapot’s wonky spout

that will never ever pour proper

embrace the world for what it is

near enough can be good enough

I was thinking that the person was too critical of themselves, trying to be too perfect and that led to my celebration of the imperfect. Much of the time near enough is more than adequate. Let's not give ourselves too hard a time.

Here's Natalie Merchant with Sister Tilly.

Until next time.

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