Friday 19 July 2024


If my last post was two poems written at a workshop that appeared unheralded, then this post's poem continues the unexpected arrival theme. I wrote it in the middle of the night, when I had just awoken from a dream. 

I felt I should know this place

the beach looked too beautiful to be real

as I looked I realised it was the same perfect wave

that kept repeating its surge to the shore

and that stars that wheeled in the sky

sparkled like diamonds cast on midnight blue velvet

I asked my friend [whom I’d never met before]

sure is it not a mix of the two

part nature and part enhanced by the artists

the studio employed to ensure

it looked like what an audience would expect

in my pocket the magistrates wrist watch

weighed as heavy as unconfessed sin

my friend slapped me on the back

in a manner no one ever had


underlining our unspoken bond of years

let’s get going you’ve got to give me the loot then bring me back

we walked to the old van

the darkness nestled around us

the soundtrack had yet to be added

we drove in silence all the way to waking

No I have no idea where it came from. I'm not even sure I can identify the constituent parts. I like the dreamy, half familiar feel of it. I thought of entitling it Day For Night after that technique films use to turn daylight into night. Dream for Night was another contender, but neither seems to do it justice.

May De Vitry has a new album out. Her fourth since the StraBirds broke up. They are all worth a listen.

Until next time.    

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